Sunday, March 1, 2009

Chicken noodle

- 1/2 kg chicken noodle (ready bought at market)
- 100 ml chicken oil
- 100 ml salty soybean sauce
- 300 gr chicken meat is boiled and cut box
- 3 sdm sweet soybean sauce
- 2 sdm soybean sauce ingris
- 2 onion leaves merajang caisin,
- penyedap and fried onion sufficient.

Flavor that refined:
- 3 garlic cloves
- 5 onion
- 1 sdt coriander
- 3 cm turmeric
- 3 cm ginger
- 4 candlenut grains

Broth ingredient:
- 2 water litres
- 1/2 kg chicken bone
- 1 sdt salt
- 1/2 sdt powder pepper

Manner makes:
- broth: water is boiled up to boil, insert chicken bone,
- boiled with little fire up to broth beraroma fragrant.
- add powder pepper and salt.
- tumis flavor that refined up to fragrant and ripe,
- insert chicken, tumis up to flavor absorbs into chicken,
- add penyedap, tumis a moment, lift, cast aside.
- insert 2 sdm chicken oil into cup,
- 1/4 sdt penyedap. Boiled noodle and caisin that merajang up to ripe,
- lift and put in cup that content with flavor,
- insert chicken 2 sdm.
- spre fried onion and onion leaf that merajang.

- chicken noodle delicacy key is on the chicken oil.

Manner makes:
- take chicken skin and the fat,
- heat with little fire on wok,
- add 2 garlic cloves menggeprak,
- heat up to entire oils out from skin and chicken fat, oil ready for used.

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